Shopify one-page checkout: a first-look guide to getting started

Shopify one-page checkout: a first-look guide to getting started

Chris Rausch
September 12, 2023

Shopify’s exciting new one-page checkout feature has been slowly rolling out as a preview for Shopify Plus stores. It provides the opportunity for improved conversion rates, better customer satisfaction, and increased revenue for stores that are able to put it to good use.

In this article, we’ll go over how to get started with a one-page checkout for Shopify and give you some tips on making the most of the new feature in your store.

What is one-page checkout and why is it important?

A one-page checkout for Shopify, also known as a one-click checkout, is when the traditional 3-step process of personal, shipping, and payment information steps are replaced by a singular page that contains all of the steps in one place. It’s a new feature that was not previously possible due to Shopify’s restrictions on alternative checkout methods. However, the conversion from checkout.liquid to Checkout Extensibility earlier this year opened up a number of new possibilities, including one-click checkouts.

Shopify’s one-page checkout feature aims to help increase conversion rates by shortening the time and reducing the effort required to make a purchase so that fewer carts are abandoned. Abandoned carts account for as many as 72% of checkout sessions, so any efforts to reduce them can be a significant improvement in revenue.

One-page checkout accomplishes this improvement by minimizing the number of clicks it takes to complete checkout to just one after all the information is entered. It also reduces the risk of losing a sale due to loading times or a lack of order visibility that can cause up to 17% of cart abandonments, simplifying the checkout process and improving customer experiences that drive future sales.

How to tell if you have Shopify’s one-page checkout available

The new one-page checkout for Shopify is in early access, so it’s not available for everyone. However, certain Shopify Plus stores have received access to the feature - whether you know it or not.

If you do have access, you’ll see a banner on your “checkout” section of settings that says you’re using a one-page checkout. If not, you’ll have to wait until it is rolled out to more stores.

How to enable one-page checkout for Shopify

Once you’ve got the feature available to your store, setting up a one-page checkout is easy to do. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • From your admin dashboard, go to “settings”
  • Select “checkout.”
  • Find “checkout customization” and select “customize” on your live or draft checkout
  • Press the gear icon to view checkout settings
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the settings until you reach “checkout layout,” and click the arrow
  • Select the one-page checkout option and watch your checkout transform in the live preview

Now that you’ve enabled one-page checkout, you’ll see that all of the steps have been removed in favor of one scrolling checkout page with the order summary module stickied so that customers can keep an eye on their total, see discounts that are applied, and get a shipping estimate all in one place.

How to upgrade one-page checkout

Once you’ve made the switch to try one-page checkout, you’ll want to make some further upgrades to improve how well your checkout process performs. Fortunately, you can use our app Checkout Extensions Plus, an all-in-one solution that lets you take control over all elements of your checkout experience with the powerful capabilities of Checkout Extensibility, to make the changes we’ll highlight below.

One way of customizing your checkout to improve the customer experience is through the use of the advanced checkout styling and branding API features that are a part of Checkout Extensibility. Your checkout page is an extension of your site so it’s crucial that you’re providing a uniform brand experience from start to finish instead of just relying on Shopify’s default settings. You can make changes quickly and easily using an app that leverages the branding API to change fonts, add colors to elements, include banners, edit checkout field styles, and create different branding profiles so that you can find out what works best for your business.

You can also customize the elements of your checkout page to ensure you’re doing everything you can to maximize your conversion rate. Trust is a significant element of online business, so ensuring that your checkout page does everything possible to calm concerns and minimize the chances of a customer abandoning their cart is essential. You can add trust elements like reviews, testimonials, feedback, security badges, and much more that tell customers that they’re making the right choice with their wallet.

If your business needs more or fewer checkout fields to provide a complete checkout experience, editing your one-page checkout in Shopify can also help minimize abandoned carts. Scheduling is an important part of many local businesses that offer delivery or reservations, so the inclusion of a scheduling module or additional instructions field can be a time-effective way to collect necessary information from customers. Online businesses can go the other way and remove unnecessary shipping information fields that contribute to a longer checkout page so that your Shopify one-page checkout takes even less time, improving conversion rates.

Finally, the inclusion of upsells and cross-sells can help to improve the effectiveness of your checkout process by increasing average order values (AOVs) and growing revenue. With an upsell app for Shopify, you can create custom offers like “buy one, get one” or bundles that encourage customers to spend more at a discounted rate, allowing you to secure more profit. UpsellPlus makes it easy to build, implement, and refine these offers to grow your revenue so that you can grow your business more effectively.

Get started with Shopify’s one-page checkout and premium checkout extensions

The development of the new one-page checkout for Shopify is an exciting one that can help businesses be more effective at checkout - and with the right apps, it becomes even easier.

Checkout Extensions Plus enables full customization of the look, feel, and function of your checkout page while UpsellPlus adds powerful upsells and cross-sells that take advantage of your improved conversion rates to further grow your revenue.

Whether you’re on checkout.liquid or Checkout Extensibility, or three-page or one-page checkout, these apps can help.

Try UpsellPlus and Checkout Extensions Plus for free for 7 days today.

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